Are You Registered to Vote?

Local and MEP elections this May


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A campaign to make sure residents are registered to vote has been launched by the council.

The campaign urges residents to not ignore the electoral registration forms that have been sent to every home in the borough, or they could face a fine of up to £1,000.

Mary Harpley, chief executive and returning officer at the council, said: “With the local elections being held in May, we want to make sure everyone who is eligible to vote can make their voice heard.

“It is a legal requirement to fill in the electoral registration form, and I’d urge people to do it to avoid facing a £1,000 fine.

“It’s quick and easy to do, and if there are no changes since last time, you can do it online, over the phone or by text.”

A team of 123 canvassers are currently visiting homes around the borough to remind people to fill in their forms, and offer any help they may need.

To find out more visit

January 28, 2014