Changes to Council Tax Support

People on benefits will have to make a contribution


The full report on the changes can be found here.

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Hounslow Council will be providing support to families to stave off the worst effects of the Government’s scrapping of Council Tax Benefits.

The council is introducing a new scheme, called Council Tax Support, which will plug the gap left by Government cuts.

But the cut to funding from Government means that more than 15,000 working age people on benefits will have to pay some council tax for the first time.

The council succeeded in demonstrating the effect this would have on local people, and secured an additional grant of £410,000 to reduce the impact of the transition. This means people who had previously not needed to pay any council tax will have to pay no more than 8.5 per cent of their bill.

Cllr Ruth Cadbury, cabinet member for planning and regeneration, said:

“The way the government has introduced the scheme has forced us, along with most other councils with a high proportion of residents dependent on benefits into a foul dilemma – either a funding gap putting uncontrollable pressure on frontline services, or passing the cost on.”

The Government funding for this replacement scheme is 10 per cent lower than previously, and the pensioners’ benefits must be protected. This means all working age people on benefit will have to pay some council tax even if they have paid none in the current system.


February 8, 2013