Most residents within 15-minute walk of borrowing a book

A library in Hounslow Borough
November 7, 2024
New data has shown that Hounslow Borough ranks within the top 10% in the country for library access.
Recent analysis from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows 63 percent of Hounslow residents had a library within a 15-minute walk of their home. This places the borough 21st out of 318 local councils in England and Wales.
Meanwhile, 98 percent were within half an hour of a library and every resident could reach one within an hour's walk. Hounslow Council runs 11 libraries, or one for every 26,900 people in the area.
Although the council does benefit in this survey by being relatively densely populated, it finished ahead of many councils in London and a recent resident survey found 88 percent of people who used Hounslow’s libraries reported excellent satisfaction, the highest of any Council service.
Councillor Salman Shaheen, Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Public Spaces at Hounslow Council, said, “The ONS data is something to shout about – even if it gets us told off in the library!
“Libraries are much-loved and treasured institutions for many of our residents and are vital as a free educational resource. As a Council, we play an important role in ensuring every resident in Hounslow can learn, grow and enjoy these spaces.
“These findings will come as no surprise to many of our residents. Having libraries in so many locations across the borough means we can use them to bring key Council and voluntary services closer to where our residents live.”
Plans are currently underway to transform all 11 libraries into community hubs, offering residents an array of support services under one roof as well as maintaining existing services.
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