Hounslow Council to Continue Crackdown on Blue Badge Misuse

Pledge to continue prosecution of offenders

Council says genuine Blue Badge holders suffer the most from fraudulent use
Council says genuine Blue Badge holders suffer the most from fraudulent use

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Hounslow Council has promised to continue with its crackdown on the misuse of Blue Badges across the borough following a series of recent prosecutions.

In one case an offender was taken to court and fined over £1000 for using a family member’s Blue Badge. In another case a person was caught using a permit that belonged to someone who had died.

Hounslow is also collaborating with other London boroughs to detect misuse of all Blue Badges, including those issued by other councils.

London is home to the most drivers prosecuted for the misuse of Blue Badges across England according to Department for Transport data.

The document is granted for use by disabled motorists or passengers only and always remains the property of the issuing council. If you were not given a badge, you must not use one to get free or better parking. The Blue Badge cannot be shared by a spouse, family member or anyone else and the document must be annulled by the council if the bearer dies. The Council’s penalties include the confiscation or permanent removal of the badge and a fine of up to £1,000 plus costs.

Councillor Salman Shaheen, Cabinet Member for Parking, Parks and Leisure, said, “It saddens me to learn that this type of dishonest, shameful abuse is happening in our borough as it is genuine Blue Badge holders who suffer as a result of fraudulent use.

“I am pleased that our officers are continuing to be vigilant with their Blue Badge checks and offenders are being brought to justice.

“I wonder if these offenders realise that they took away a parking space from someone in genuine need. When Blue Badge holders cannot park close enough to where they need to go, they may end up abandoning their appointments or planned trips.

“We will continue our routine checks and prosecute without exception. We have the means to check the validity of a Blue Badge instantly.

“So, if you are misusing a Blue Badge, it is only a question of time before you are detected and prosecuted.”

If you suspect a badge is being misused, contact the Council Blue Badge team at: bluebadge@hounslow.gov.uk.

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