Hounslow Borough of Culture Bid Shortlisted

Over £1million could be won for a programme of cultural events and initiatives

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Hounslow Council’s bid to be London Borough of Culture 2021 has been shortlisted by the Mayor of London.

London Borough of Culture is a programme run by the Mayor of London to promote culture across the capital. Waltham Forest is the first London Borough of Culture for 2019 with Brent shortly taking over as Borough of Culture for 2020.

If Hounslow wins the title, the borough will receive £1.35m to support the delivery of their programme in 2021.

At the end of October, a delegation from Hounslow led by Leader, Cllr Steve Curran, Mayor of Hounslow, Cllr Tony Louki and Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure Services, Cllr Samia Chaudhary brought Hounslow’s bid to City Hall aboard a vintage 1963 Routemaster bus, courtesy of Redroutemaster, the Brentford-based bus hire company.

They were joined by representatives of our partners, Feltham Arts, Watermans, Creative People & Places, Tale Be Told Theatre, Kempton Steam Museum and Speak Out in Hounslow as well as various writers, residents, local musicians and community groups.

Hounslow’s bid outlines a programme of cultural events and initiatives and they believe a successful bid would be an opportunity to get investment into the borough, showcase what makes Hounslow special, and use culture as a catalyst to develop skills and talents and encourage collaboration between creative delivery partners, schools, colleges and industry.

Councillor Samia Chaudhary, Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure Services at Hounslow Council said, “It’s great news to hear that we have been shortlisted for the London Borough of Culture 2021 award. We are one step closer to making this happen for Hounslow and along with our cultural partners and communities, we are very excited and ready for this.

“Winning this award would be a fantastic boost for Hounslow and would enable us to kickstart an unstoppable movement of people, ideas and opportunity throughout the borough, creating better community cohesion, unlocking potential and opportunity while showcasing the borough’s wonderful assets to the wider London community and beyond.”

For more information on Hounslow’s campaign, visit GoHounslow.com


December 16, 2019

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