Departure Of Chiswick And Brentford Town Centre Manager

Rachel Victor-Sampson is moving on with no indication of a replacement

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Rachel Victor-Sampson, the Town Centre manager for Brentford and Chiswick is finishing up tomorrow as her job has come to an end.

Ms. Victor-Sampson, who was responsible for supporting and promoting the Brentford and Chiswick areas within the borough was appointed in June 2014. She is going to continue her work with urban regeneration elsewhere.

The Town Manager for Feltham, Esther Warboys, is also finishing up this week.

It is not expected that the two positions will be filled by Hounslow Council.

During her time in the post, Ms. Victor- Sampson had been involved in a number of projects including the regeneration of Brentford centre, the pop-up Chiswick food market which was held outside the George IV on the High Road (not to be confused with the Dukes Meadows Food Market), the extension of the Christmas lights along Chiswick High Road and into Devonshire Road, and working with the Chiswick workspace organisation.

Councillors and traders had campaigned for a long time for a Town centre manager to have someone who would promote business activity, particularly amongst independent traders, and be a point of contact between community groups and Hounslow Council.

Prior to her position with Hounslow Council, she worked at the Science Vale Oxford Enterprise Zone, where she was responsible for coordinating and enabling the delivery of projects.

Ms. Victor-Sampson began her career in housing development in the 1990s, and moved into urban regeneration in 2005 as the Millennium communities national programme manager with regeneration quango English Partnerships.

December 17, 2015

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