Hounslow Conservatives Consider Labour to Fail on Pledges

"Council needs to be more self-critical and ambitious"

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“Hounslow’s Labour Council is failing on its much-vaunted basic pledges,” accused Councillor Peter Thompson, Conservative Group Leader.

“Furthermore, it is claiming credit unjustifiably. For example, extra police are thanks to the prudent financial management of Boris Johnson. Additionally, the Government, for the third successive year, has given substantial grants for keeping down the Council Tax. Improved attainment in schools is due to the teachers and pupils, not the Council.

Glaring failures are emerging. There has been a scramble to provide adequate numbers of primary school places through a lack of forward planning. Business is not being helped by the confusion and delay in the development of the Hounslow’s Town Centre, as well as the ad hoc approach to parking. The building of 2,500 affordable homes to rent or to buy is being undermined by a lack of clarity over “affordable” which could require incomes of c £70,000 and only 1,184 have been achieved hitherto, with some massaging of figures. The much-publicised street champions are not mentioned and the removal of graffiti is becoming fragmented.

The Council needs to be more self-critical and ambitious,” declared Councillor Peter Thompson.

PLEDGE 1: Action on crime with 100 uniformed officers on the street and CCTV in crime hotspots

PLEDGE 2: Extra cash into local schools to improve standards and new school places to give parents a better choice

PLEDGE 3: Create a new partnership with local businesses and housing associations to create jobs and build 2,500 affordable homes to rent or buy

PLEDGE 4: A 24/7 team of Grimebusters to tackle graffiti, litter and dumped rubbish and a direct dial phone number for immediate action

PLEDGE 5: A fresh war on waste and a council tax cut for all residents


May 15, 2013