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Residents invited to take part in parade for homecoming soldiers

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The parade begins at 11:00 on Thursday, 26 November, from London Road (near the bus station), and will march along High Street, onto Lampton Road and arrive in Lampton Park (via Clovelly Road) by 11:30.


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Residents are being invited to take to the streets later this month to welcome back more than 500 soldiers from the Second Battalion, the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.

The parade through Hounslow has been organised to welcome back the battalion after their tour of Afghanistan, as well as commemorate the seven soldiers who lost their lives.

Cllr Peter Thompson, leader of the council, said, “Whilst we celebrate the safe return of so many, we can never forget the sacrifice of those who were lost in the line of duty, nor the grief of their families and friends.

“I am sure the people of Hounslow will join me in wanting to show our appreciation for their actions, and will welcome them home in the manner which they deserve.

“But this doesn’t end once the celebration is over, and the soldiers are safely home with their families. We all have a responsibility to live our lives with integrity and honesty to honour their actions.”

Before the parade, the regiment will be given the freedom of the borough by the mayor of Hounslow. This is the highest honour the borough can bestow which allows the regiment to march through the town with fixed bayonets and with colours flying.

Members of the public are encouraged to come out onto the streets and watch the parade as it progresses through Hounslow.

The parade begins at 11:00 on Thursday, 26 November, from London Road (near the bus station), and will march along High Street, onto Lampton Road and arrive in Lampton Park (via Clovelly Road) by 11:30.

The leader of the council will welcome the troops back after a ceremony where medals will be awarded to the soldiers. The regiment will fall out by 12:50 before an invite only reception for the soldiers and their families.

The event is being supported by Fullers, Coors and Britvic, who, between them are supplying 4,000 pints of beer and lager, 18 cases wine, and soft drinks.


November 11, 2009