No Rise In Council Tax For Residents

After Mayor freezes his share of the bill


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Hounslow Borough residents will, for the first time, benefit from no increase in their total council tax bill after the Mayor of London announced plans to freeze the GLA's share of the bill.

For the past two years the London Borough of Hounslow has frozen its share of the bill, but residents still had to pay more as the GLA share rose.

Welcoming the proposals, Cllr Peter Thompson, leader of the London Borough of Hounslow, said "We've worked hard to make sure that our share of the council tax bill is frozen for the third year running.

"In the past, increases in the GLA share of the bill have meant that people still have to pay more. This proposed freeze will mean that people will be left with more in money in their pocket to help them in these uncertain times."

December 27, 2008