Number of e-Bikes for Rent in the Borough Increased

750 bicycles now available as Lime moves into the area

250 Lime e-bikes have hit the streets of Hammersmith & Fulham. Picture: Lime


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Hammersmith & Fulham’s electric bike hire fleet is growing fast with 750 now available.

Thanks to a new partnership with Lime, the borough is now home to 250 red rental e-bicycles, adding to its current stock of 250 blue (Dott) and 250 green (HumanForest) e-bikes.

Lime is the third e-mobility provider to join the borough’s e-cycle-hire network.

“Expanding our e-bike service into Hammersmith & Fulham is a key step in our ambition to build a future where transport is shared, affordable and carbon-free,” said Alan Clarke, Senior Director of Policy for Northern & Eastern Europe at Lime.

“The borough is already deeply committed to implementing a more sustainable transport network through its participation in the London e-scooter trial, and it is home to an impressive number of residents that want to live more sustainable and active lifestyles. In partnership with the Council, we hope this number can continue to grow with the introduction of our e-bike services.”

For 17p per minute and a £1 activation charge, the new e-rides can now be hired from 30 local bike parking bays through the Lime app, with additional bays to follow soon.

Discounted rates for both e-bike and e-scooter rides are available to a number of H&F residents, including concession pass holders, key workers, students, low-income users and job seekers.

To end the journey, riders are asked to return their bikes to one of the many clearly marked bike parking spaces in the borough. These council-created bike bays aim to ensure that the new dockless e-bikes won’t obstruct narrow pavements or cycle lanes.

Lime users are also able to end their journey in other parts of London, including neighbouring boroughs like Ealing and Richmond.

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Jacob Phillips - Local Democracy Reporter

April 8, 2022

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