‘Getting It On’ Educates Wandsworth Teenagers on Sexual Health

NHS Wandsworth joins a group of SW London pregnancy teams to launch website

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The new website ‘getting it on’ which aims to educate and advise young people on sexual health issues.  This week, members of the Wandsworth Teenage Pregnancy Team will be visiting local schools and youth clubs to talk to teenagers about sexual health and give out special ‘getting it on’ Oyster card holders promoting the new site.

‘Getting it on’ gives friendly advice on everything from sexually transmitted infections (STIs) to methods of contraception. Teenagers can learn the facts from the comfort of their own home, in a manner that won’t make them feel scared or awkward about sexual health issues. The site also allows young people living in south west London to easily locate the exact services they need nearest to them.

Houda Al-Sharifi, Director of Public Health at NHS Wandsworth said:
‘It is imperative that teenagers know the risks of unprotected sex and how they can avoid them. Educating young people on these issues is the first step towards encouraging safe sex and improving sexual health. The new ‘getting it on’ website looks fantastic and will help young Londoners get the education they need to stay sexually healthy.’

Wandsworth Council health spokesman Councilor Ian Hart said: ‘As a council, we are committed to reducing teenage pregnancy through better and more effective sex education. We aim to offer our children the very best education in our schools, so that they have more life choices for their futures.’


February 18, 2010