Football Fans' Party Boat Crashes into Hammersmith Bridge

Damage to structure not believed to be serious

The party boat stuck under Hammersmith Bridge
The party boat stuck under Hammersmith Bridge


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December 11, 2023

A party boat hired to take football fans to a match at Craven Cottage crashed into Hammersmith Bridge this Sunday (11 December).

The 140-capacity Emerald of London had been bringing West Ham fans to the game at Fulham. It is not clear why the boat which was upstream of the bridge, which had been chartered from a company based near Waterloo, had gone so far up river.

When the collision occurred, there was a large scraping noise plus jeers from onboard and the riverside. The vessel became stuck briefly before turning back up river.

There were no reports of any injuries to passengers or crew and the damage to the bridge has been assessed as being minor.

High tide at Hammersmith on the day of the collision occurred just after noon and the maximum tide height was above average but not exceptionally high.

That day the Port of London Authority had issued a Caution yellow warning of Strong Fluvial Flows on the ebb tide.


The boat was forced to turn around and go back up river

The boat hitting the bridge didn’t mark the low point for the fans on board as the Hammers were beaten 5-0.

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