'Green Goddess' Could Provide Hammersmith Bridge Shuttle

Barnes Community Association hope to have it place in new year

The vehicle providing the bridge crossing service. Picture: Barnes Community Association


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Hopes are high that a new shuttle service to help people to cross Hammersmith Bridge will be in place at the beginning of next year.

According to the Barnes Village Bugle, The Barnes Community Association (BCA) are waiting to hear from the legal team at Transport for London if it can start to operate its ‘green goddess’ service in January.

The new shuttle is spacious with room for luggage and a low step makes it easy to use for those with limited mobility. It will also have full suspension, be fully enclosed with heated seats.

Initially there is a ‘hop-on and hop-off' service planned between Castelnau and Hammersmith running from 8am to 7pm with booking for a door-to-door service being considered.

The planned charge will be £2 per ride and it is aimed at those with mobility issues and people carrying heavy shopping.

The launch of the service has been delayed due to concerns raise by the black cab drivers’ association. This has meant that the service can no longer be described as a pedi-tax and the vehicles have been repainted from black to green.

The BCA is hoping to partly fund the scheme through sponsorship and wants to hear from local businesses who would like to support the scheme. If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities or making a donation contact raphael@barnes-ca.org. Sponsors’ logos will appear on the shuttle.

The project has also received the help of residents of Harrods Village who have provided a secure night-time parking and charging place for the new vehicle.

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December 10, 2021

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