Dowsing in Gunnersbury Park

Two events this weekend for the Festival of British Archaeology

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For the 2009 Festival of British Archaeology, Gunnersbury Park Museum will be hosting two events.

On Friday July 17th there is a chance to hear "Just Divine" - a talk by Keith Harmon, Chairman of the Middlesex and Surrey Archaeological Dowsers.

Come and find out about the technique of dowsing for archaeological sites, before viewing the dowsing team in action in Gunnersbury Park on Saturday. Every member of the audience will be given a dowsing rod so that they have a chance to try dowsing for themselves.

Time: 2.30pm or 7pm (same talk) Charge: £2.00 - pay on the door.

On Saturday July 18th members of the Middlesex and Surrey Archaeological Dowsers will be dowsing in Gunnersbury Park, looking for the original sites of the mediaeval and seventeenth century houses.

This takes place from 10.30am to 4pm and members of the public are welcome to come and watch.

July 14, 2009