10 storey block at Allied Carpets site rejected

Campaign by residents' group praised for professionalism

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An overwhelming level of opposition from local residents resulted in a controversial 10-storey development being unanimously rejected this week.

Property developer Bexwell Properties applied for planning permission in November to demolish the Allied Carpets building at the junction of Goldhawk Road and Askew Road. The part 4-storey and part 10-storey building would have towered over Ravenscourt Park, dominated a conservation area and increased traffic and congestion in Shepherds Bush.

More than 300 residents attended a public meeting on November 30 last year, outraged at the prospect of a looming development which would be totally out of character with the mainly Victorian residential area.

In the run-up to Tuesday’s Planning Committee hearing the Hammersmith and Fulham Council received 239 letters of objection and a petition signed by 194 people. Council leader Andrew Slaughter made a special appearance at the meeting and he said ‘It would cram a large number of units into a small space, creating an eyesore for residents and others who appreciate the area ….. I regard it as completely out of character to what we expect from developers.’

He also said residents had conducted a fantastic campaign, the quality and professionalism of which had been exceptional.

Annabel Clarke, of the Cathnor Park Action Group, which spearheaded the campaign said: ‘The residents are over the moon. It’s a very rare thing to have a council meeting unanimous on both sides. I am really thrilled because we raised that campaign in four days. We mail dropped 1,000 houses and got 300 people at the public meeting. It was pretty stunning that we pulled it off!’

Ben Pilgrim, spokesman for the developers, said that Bexwell Properties would appeal against the decision and added that they still felt that this landmark piece of architecture will improve this under-used site.

January 29, 2005