New play area opened at Southfield Recreation Ground

But vandals damage equipment before the opening ceremony

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Southfield Recreation Group was packed last Monday, when local parents and children joined with Councillors to celebrate the opening of the new children's play area.

The new playground, located in the centre of the park, caters for the two to 14 age group. It provides two distinct play areas, one for toddlers and one for juniors, and features the latest in adventure trails with spinning poles, climbing frames, springers, slides, see-saws and swings.

The improvemens cost £80,000 and already repairs are needed, as vandals set fire to the slide before the opening ceremony.  Ealing Council have committed to repair the damage as soon as possible.

Southfields' Councillor Gary Malcolm, said, "It is sad that one person or group decided over the weekend to damage one of the pieces of equipment before the playground was officially opened. The council made a committment yesterday to replace it very quickly which is good news."

Neither the Council, nor the many children out having fun in the play area, will let the vandals detract from a fantastic addition to Acton's facilities for children. Look out for more improvements later this year, then the tennis courts are refurbished.

August 15th, 2005