Council leader blasts 'parochial' Lib Dems |
Business Park funds being used for regeneration projects
The leader of Ealing Council, John Cudmore (pictured right), has responded angrily to claims that funds from the Chiswick Business Park development have been diverted away from the areas they were supposed to be spent on. In an e-mail to this web site he said that he would like to assure Acton that Ealing Council is using the funds for important regeneration projects. He stated, "As somebody who is working hard to improve conditions throughout Acton I must confess I find the rather parochial response of someone like Cllr. Mitchell disappointing. Ealing Council will continue to work hard to make our area a better place." The Chiswick Park S106 Agreement provides for developments to improve the local environment and transport as well as funds to ensure the Chiswick Business Park development does not have a ‘heavy’ impact on local residents. Next Monday a report will be submitted to the Acton Area Committee that recommends more money be allocated to improve the local area. New proposals will include: • £231,000 for the Acton Green/Southfield area, which was agreed by Cabinet earlier this year. In addition and with the assistance of central government grants, the Acton Liveability Fund will allocate £300,000 to Acton Green, Southfields and South Acton Open Spaces as well as a further £200,000 to Acton Park, Springfields and Horn Lane Open Spaces. Cllr. Cudmore said, "Nobody disputes that the South Acton neighbourhood is an area in need of regeneration. That is why we, as a Council, are working hard to improve local facilities and at the same time continue to provide improved services across all wards. " He added that whilst the need for regeneration in South Acton was recognised the area already benefited from a significant amount of central Government funding for this purpose and that funds that were intended to mitigate the negative effects of the businsess park should be spent mainly in the worst affected areas. The number of people working at Chiswick Business Park has recently passed 3,000. When the scheme is complete there will be over 12,000 people working there. November 15, 2004