Ealing Wins 'Most Improved Transport' Award

Borough now has 'Biking Borough' status and more kids walking to school

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London Transport Awards 2011

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Ealing has won the 'most improved transport' award at the London Transport Awards last week, with the Hounslow picking up the top award of the night for Transport Borough of the Year. 

Ealing was recognised for progress across a wide range of policy areas - cycling investment has risen by 30% over the last 3 years, training facilities have been expanded by 40% and it has been awarded ‘Biking Borough’ status.  It has shown innovation and tangible results with its congestion relief programme.  Efforts in smarter travel has resulted in a 44% rise in cyclists since 2007 and an 18% increase in public transport use overall.  The number of pupils being driven to school has decreased by 12% and walking to school has increased by nearly 6.5%. The last year has seen a 5% reduction in total road casualties.

Ealing's Conservatives were quick to rejoice in the award.  Cllr David Millican the newly elected Leader of the Conservative Group who was Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment under the Conservative Administration said:  “Our win is a fantastic achievement as it recognises the hard work and a number of key initiatives including removing traffic lights and replacing with roundabouts at Acton Town tube, top of Argyle Road by Gurnell and Western Road in Southall, which the Conservative Administration put into place to improve transport in and across our Borough. 

Councillor Bassam Mahfouz, cabinet member for Transport and Environment, said: “I’m absolutely delighted that we have won this prestigious award for most improved transport borough. Transport is always one of the top concerns of our residents and I’m pleased that the number of residents concerned about travel and congestion is down according to the most recent residents’ survey. We also have more improvements in the pipeline such as targeting hot-spots like the Uxbridge Road corridor.

“The fact that we have won this award shows that our innovative projects make us stand out and have delivered real results. I’d like to congratulate and thank the team for their hard work in bringing about these achievements with such success.”

David Eales, of Ealing Bike Hub said he hopes the Labour-run Council will continue to make cycling a priority.

"Ealing Bike Hub welcomes the news and congratulates the borough and the employees as well of course the cyclists both new and existing. We now look forward to seeing how the momenteum is maintained and what new and innovate projects can be delivered. Ealing Bike Hub looks forward to working with the council and it's contractors".

The London Transport Awards are run annually by the Transport Times and recognise excellence in transport, innovation and progress for transport initiatives that are really working.

One of the most competitive awards on the evening was for most Innovative Transport Project of the year which went to Transport for London for the London Barclays Cycle Hire Project, also known as 'Boris Bikes'.


04 May 2011