Scouting For Leaders

Appeal to find more adult volunteers in Ealing and Hanwell

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Scouts celebrating 100 years of Scouting in Ealing & Hanwell at District campsite in Stoke Poges

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Scouting has been part of Ealing and Hanwell for 100 years as this year we are celebrating our centenary. To mark the occasion the Ealing and Hanwell Scout District are planning a number of centenary events. We have just returned from the first of these events which was a camping competition at our District Campsite in Stoke Poges where circa 160 Scouts and Guides spent the Bank Holiday weekend demonstrating their camping skills.

The next Centenary event is the Docklands Water activity weekend in May where circa 160 young people from Ealing and Hanwell take part in a range of water activities at a scout base in Docklands in the shadow of Canary Wharf. This is followed the following weekend with our Centenary camp for circa 180 on the famous Brownsea Island in Poole harbour, Dorset where Baden Powell, the founder of the World wide Scout movement staged the very first Scout Camp over 100 years ago.

In October 150 of our Leaders are invited to a formal meal in the House of commons with our Local MP
Since late 2009 we have had the famous adventurer Bear Grylls as our Chief Scout who has enhanced the appeal of Scouting which has generated a huge demand from young people in the borough wanting to join local Scout groups.

Ealing and Hanwell Scout District has seen dynamic change over the last 7 years. From just under 540 members in 2007 the 10 Groups have grown to 801 in 2011. The main growth has been in the Cub and Scout sections, with am overall steady increase in female members. In addition the Explorer Scout section for 14 to 18 years old has now expanded with two units in the District. Because of the increased numbers joining Scouting, several groups have reopened sections to accommodate the new recruits

Unfortunately most of the Scout Groups in the area are now full and have long waiting lists as they are struggling to recruit enough adult Leaders, Assistants and Helpers to run the section meetings, take the young people on camps and outdoor activities and to provide the balance training program.

The myth that being a Leader is just a couple of hours a week would not take too long for anyone to disabuse themselves of, but then that is not the reason for joining as a Leader or Assistant. Leaders get involved because they want to have fun, grow in themselves and make new friends. The rewards are much softer and as a Leader, the enjoyment of seeing young people grow and move on and up in their lives is really compelling. Many of the adult volunteers also say they are more confident in their everyday lives as a result of their involvement with Scouting.

Many organisations and businesses see their workforces' profile enhanced by involvement in Scouting, and some even offer financial rewards for this and match time off on Scouting projects with additional holiday allowance. It also looks great on your CV!

For any adult who would like to get involved but has never been a member with the Scout or Guide Association, this should also not be a barrier - there are many Leaders who were never Scouts or Guides as there is a well developed and nationally recognised training scheme that is provided for all new Leaders and Assistants. To ensure the safety of the young people under our care all adult helpers in Scouting have to undergo a simple Criminal Records Buro (CRB) check just like Teachers, or other youth workers have to undergo.

25th Ealing Scout Group: Leader Recruitment

The 25th Ealing Scout Group can trace its history back to 1916 when it was first formed as the 10th Ealing Scout Group and over the years it merged with the 1st Ealing, 3rd Ealing and 11th Ealing, resulting in 1968 as the 25th Ealing Scout group.

The Scout Hut at 2A The Grove W5 is in fine shape after a major refurbishment and the stores are full of camping kit and activity equipment just waiting to be used. The Scout troop recently went on an expedition to Kandersteg in Switzerland with 600 Scouts and Guides from the County and our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts all take part in outdoor activities, camps, sports and competitions. On a regular basis we organise family camps and water activities where the whole family can join in with our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts to have a great time.

We have great support from our parents as they are expected to help out approximately once a term at their child’s section meetings to assist the Leader and maybe run a game or activity. The Group has an excellent Executive Committee made up of parents to look after the funding and building maintenance and support the Leaders in all of the activities

Sadly just like the other Scout groups in the District we have to restrict the numbers of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts in the Group as we have insufficient Leaders and Assistant to be able to run a full program of activities.

There are bundles of opportunities for new Leaders, Assistant and helpers and it depends on what age range you want to help out with:

     Section           Age Range         Meeting Night     Time of meeting
Beaver Scouts       6 to 8 years old     Wednesday           18:30 to 19:30
Cub Scouts            8 to 10½                Tuesday                19:00 to 20:30
Scouts                10½to 14½             Friday                   19:15 to 21:00
Explorer Scouts    14 to 18                 Wednesday           20:00 to 22:00

We are also just starting a new Explorer unit at our HQ on 4th May and they are the youngsters that get the most opportunity for adventurous outdoor activities for walking and mountaineering etc. during their DoE expeditions, Queen Scout Awards etc.  

So there are opportunities for uniformed Leaders and Assistants who get involved with Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or Explorers on a regular basis where full training and uniforms are provided as well as non-uniformed occasional Helpers and Skills instructors and Executive Committee members who help out now and then.

So if you, or a family member, friend or work colleague would like to get involved in Scouting, either with the 25th Ealing Scout Group, or one of the other Groups in Ealing and Hanwell, please contact Ealing & Hanwell Scouts on 020 8567 2474

Dave Folkerd
Group Scout Leader
25th Ealing Scout Group


4 May 2011