Rupa Huq Tells Warsaw Conference of Brexit Fears

MP talks about representing 'the most Polish community outside of Poland'

Rupa Huq addressing the Belvedere Forum in Poland

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Ealing Central and Acton’s Labour MP Rupa Huq was invited to represent the UK at the Belvedere Forum, a high level conference in Warsaw addressed by government ministers from both the UK and Poland past and present.

She was representing the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) and shared her views on the key issues related to UK – Polish relations discussing how these night evolve in a post-Brexit and post-pandemic world

Dr Huq said, “I proudly represent Ealing Central and Acton, which is the most Polish community outside of Poland.

“Since being elected I have taken the time to get to know this amazing country and its people who have been a longstanding feature of Ealing which has had a Polish church since the 1970s”.

She added, “it was an honour to be invited to Warsaw and speak alongside such greats as former Foreign Secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind who was full of anecdotes on his Polish visits dating back to Communism during the Thatcher era”.

The Belvedere Forum is an annual event which brings together a diverse range of people from civil society, politics, business, academia and NGOs that seek to strengthen the economic and political partnership between the two countries.

During her contribution the local MP expressed her regret at the UK’s decision to leave the EU and stated to delegates, “I would like to say Labour one day be a rejoin party in my lifetime but given the result of the last election cannot see that being anytime soon.”


According to the Office for National Statistics, there are around 15,000 Polish nationals living in Ealing and out of local authorities in England and Wales, Ealing ranked highest in terms of both the number of Poland-born inhabitants and Polish nationals. The figures peaked in 2017 and there is some evidence of UK Poles returning to Poland since the Brexit vote.

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October 3, 2021

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