Bassam Mahfouz States Political Ambition

"Vote for me so I can become the first Arab MP"

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Bassam Mahfouz - parliamentary candidate for Ealing Central and Acton
Bassam Mahfouz Labour's Prospective Parliamentary Candidate Ealing Central and Acton

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Bassam Mahfouz has made a brief appearance in Andrew Pierce's Daily Mail political/gossip column.

The snippet, under the heading 'Gaffe of the Day' describes how the Labour parliamentary candidate for Ealing Central and Acton "tried to ingratiate himself at a dinner for the UK's Lebanese community by urging them to vote for him so he could become 'the first Arab MP'.

"Hushed silence followed before a high-profile Lebanese politician stood up and said: 'We are not Arabs. We are Lebanese.' "




April 14, 2010