More Parking Permit Changes

Ealing moves away from paper to electronic

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From next month Ealing Council will no longer be issuing paper parking permits. Instead, the permits will be electronic and linked to the car’s registration.

The council says this will make the application and renewal process faster and more efficient.

Civil enforcement officers will check valid permits using handheld electronic devices.

It's one of a number of parking changes being introduced - a new 'Premium Permit' at a cost of £1,500 will allowing drivers to park in any residents' permit holder parking space for a maximum of 3 hours.

The council will also stop issuing paper visitor vouchers. Instead, all visitor parking will have to be purchased using the RingGo telephone service. This will mean that, once registered, residents will be able to buy visitor parking instantly, without any form-filling or risk of vouchers going missing in the post. The electronic vouchers will also remove the risk of making a mistake when using scratch cards, which can lead to a penalty charge notice.

All service vouchers, temporary permits (dispensations), business and car park permits will also be issued electronically.

Councillor Bassam Mahfouz, cabinet member for transport and environment, said: “The move away from paper permits makes sense. This is the same system that the DVLA uses for vehicle tax and it will save residents hassle and will save the council money.

“The new system is convenient, easy to use and means that residents won’t have to rely on the post for their paper permits anymore. Anyone whose current paper permit is coming to an end will receive their usual renewal letter from us with more details of the electronic permit and how to reapply.”

To find out more, go to To register for RingGo, go to or download the RingGo app.


3rd March 2015