Ealing's Not Exactly The Picture of Health

Heart disease, strokes and childhood obesity higher than national average

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For more information about the borough's health go to The Association of Public Health Observatories at www.apho.org.uk

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The health of people in Ealing shows a mixed picture according to the latest report by the Association of Public Health Observatories.

This snapshot overview of the state of our health is produced for every local authority in England.

The good news is that living in Ealing means we may have a longer innings than others. The life expectancy for both men and women is better than the England average, as is the infant mortality rate.

However, the rate of early deaths from heart disease and stroke is worse than the England average.

There are health inequalities within the borough too. If you find yourself in one of the more affluent areas you can add 6 years to your lifespan. Conversely in poorer parts of the borough your life expectancy will be shortened.

Over the last 10 years, the rates of death from all causes combined and of early deaths from cancer have improved and are lower than the England average. The rate of early deaths from heart disease and stroke has also fallen but is still worse than the England average.

Worryingly, the proportion of children in Reception year who are classified as obese is worse than the England average (there were 411 identified) yet figures indicate children are actually getting more exercise here.

The percentage of children spending more than 3 hours per week on physical activity in school is better than average.

Cases of tuberculosis, diabetes and hospital stays due to alcohol harm are all higher than the national average in Ealing.

Ealing's population is 309,000 and the strategic plan has prioritised heart disease, stroke, diabetes, dementia, alcohol and maternity services over the next 5 years.

There are more details about the health of this area in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and 'Delivering Excellence for Ealing - strategic plan', available from


15 July 2010