Recycled Curryhouse Cooking Fat To Help Our Pipework

As waste fat clogs our drains in the run up to Christmas

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Curry houses are being given the chance to recycle their cooking oil and cut the amount of fat being poured down drains.

Ealing Council has written to 100 restaurants urging them to sign up to a three-month pilot project which turns unwanted oil into biodiesel.

The pilot scheme is being supported by the Ealing Business Environmental Support and Training initiative (BEST), a partnership launched by the Council with Groundwork West London and Envirowise.

Waste oil will be collected for free and taken to one of two processing plants in north London and Kent.

It is hoped the scheme will tackle the problem of fat blocking sewers and reduce the number of rats.

Thames Water said it clears up to 100,000 blockages every year as a result of fats, oils and greases being put down drains. It also estimates a 25 per cent increase in the amount of fat ending up down drains over the Christmas period.

Ealing Council's Will Brooks said:

"This service can benefit everyone involved, it's free and encourages businesses to do their bit for the environment.

"Throwing oil down drains helps block sewers, which can then lead to flooding, and makes waste water treatment more costly."

December 6, 2007