New Met Police Commissioner's Message

Protection is top priority

Contact your local team:

Met Police Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson

New Met Police Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson

If you require any further information please contact your local Safer Neighbourhood Team or call police in Ealing on 0300 123 1212.

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A message for Londoners has been released today by the new Met Police Commissioner.

Sir Paul Stephenson was appointed the new Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police on 28th January and immediately spelled out his priorities for tackling crime and creating a safer London. Here he talks directly to readers about how he plans to tackle the job and its challenges:

"Our top priority is to protect Londoners – be it from anti-social behaviour or burglary; to knife crime and terrorism. I want people who live in our city to feel safe and be safe, while enjoying all the Capital has to offer.

"There are 53,000 people who work for the Met - spread out across London. The chances are that someone in your street works for the Met and experiences what you experience locally. The size and diversity of this city is a strength, not a barrier to unity, in terms of Londoners’ safety and security.

"I never lose sight of the fact that the Met needs the local community on board, working with us and supporting our officers and staff. It’s important for you to know the Met is on your side. We are here to help and to make you safer. It is the core business of our Safer Neighbourhoods teams who operate in the heart of your community.

"You have a right to expect a level of service, which matches your expectations. A crime to us is not merely a statistic. A house being burgled may be just another statistic to some, but I understand that to the victim this is very real. Feeling safe and secure in our homes is vital, and something to which everyone has a right.

"Locally, our primary focus is reducing crime and catching and prosecuting criminals. We must also continue to tackle anti-social behaviour – it’s about the police doing what we are paid to do. Across London we have seen a general reduction in burglary over a number of years, this being true of a number of types of crime, but we are not complacent and there is much more to be done. Protecting Londoners from terrorism will not be allowed to slip down the list of priorities, but violence and in particular violence involving young people, remains a top priority.

"We have shown a great deal of grip and decisive action around knife crime and gangs over the last year and our targeted operations such as Blunt 2 have met this head on. However, I am far from complacent - while our tactics have been working, we cannot solve the problem alone. It is vital we work [with] you; your community; and partners such as the local authority, voluntary groups and schools. We cannot carry out these operations without your support.

"For me, it is all about securing your streets, making sure we have a visible presence in your community so that you can be confident that we will take action to tackle those issues that concern you. I know this matters to you - we have to prove that this matters equally to us.

"Of course, there are elements of the Metropolitan Police’s work that you see less frequently, but as part of the wider team they are no less important to the service we deliver to you.

"Our public order teams ensure you can enjoy such large-scale events as New Year’s Eve and Notting Hill Carnival, our homicide teams are world renowned for their detection skills, and everyday, specialist officers are dealing with complex organised crime that cuts across all boroughs. We have a national responsibility for terrorism but much of that work starts on the streets, listening to our communities when they raise concerns.

"Over the coming years we will be building up to the biggest single event London has seen – the Olympics. My job is to lead the team, which will make this a safe and secure event for Londoners and those visiting the Capital.

"I will continue to do everything I can to get rid of unnecessary bureaucracy and red tape. We need to make the best use of our resources and become efficient as well as effective in every police station across London.

"I am proud to say to you that my aim is to lead and deliver a top class policing service. One that recognises that everyday issues are just as important as some of the wider challenges, and one that listens to your concerns and acts on them.

"You may have heard about the Met’s Policing Pledge. This sets out the standard of service you can expect from the Met and focuses on the service we will provide when you first come into contact with us, and when we investigate crimes that you report. It also sets out call handling and response times as well as the level of professionalism you can expect from us.

"To find out more about our Pledge or to raise any other issues you would like to discuss, speak to your local Safer Neighbourhoods team. If you don’t know them already, you can find your team on our website or call your local police station on 0300 123 1212.

"Thanks for all that you do to work with the Met – it is only with your help and support that we can continue to make London safer."


February 13, 2009