Gary Busuttil to check if Ealing Council has been truthful and transparent

The Liberal Democrat's Shadow Cabinet on Ealing Council
May 22, 2024
Following a cabinet reshuffle by the Labour administration at Ealing Council, the opposition Liberal Democrats has made changes of their own.
In the new Shadow Cabinet, the party has announced a position of Council Honesty. It says the new role has been created to uncover examples of where the council has not been honest or needs to be more transparent.
Cllr Gary Busuttil will take up that job as part of his position managing finance with the new title of Opposition Spokesperson for Finance and Council Honesty.
The Liberal Democrats have accused the council of waste, untruths and inefficiencies over the last two years including the £3million spent on the stalled Town Hall redevelopment, misleading statements on contractors being paid the London Living Wage and having to acknowledge the opposition’s position that the original Warren Farm plans would have caused harm to over 20 species of wildlife.
When taking the role of council leader, Peter Mason pledged that his administration would be “open, honest and transparent”.
Cllr Busuttil said: “The Liberal Democrats are on a mission to provide accountability to the Labour Party in Ealing. It’s been a really big two years for the Liberal Democrat Opposition group, and we are looking to expose even more failings from the Council.”
The complete list of roles for each of the Liberal Democrat spokespersons are:
• Councillor Gary Malcolm, Leader of the Opposition and Transport
• Councillor Gary Busuttil, Finance and Council Honesty
• Councillor Connie Hersch, Crime, Communities and Town centres
• Councillor Athena Zissimos, Environment, Streets, Parks and Climate change
• Councillor Jon Ball, Housing and Development including the Local Plan
• Councillor Andrew Steed, Health, Education and Benefits
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