You Could Shape the Future of Ealing Borough

Acton meeting is your chance to participate

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Delivering Ealing 2026

Local Development Framework Consultation Meeting

Thursday 1st October 2009, 7 – 9 pm

At St Mary’s Church Hall, The Mount.

1. Refreshments and Exhibitions 7.00pm-7.15pm
2. Brief Introduction and Short Presentation 7.15pm-7.30pm
3. Workshops 7.30pm-8.30pm

You have a choice of participating in one of four workshops:

A. The Spatial Vision 2026
B. The Development Corridors and Town Centres
C. The Residential Hinterlands and Transport
D. The Natural Environment and Climate Change

4. Feedback from the Workshops and, 8.30pm-9.00pm
If time permits, questions and answers

Ealing Council has been working on a blueprint for the future of the area, called the Local Development Framework. It looks at how planning will be managed for a range of subjects that affect our everyday lives.

Initial proposals are set out in a document called the Development Strategy 2026 (a 15-year plan which we aim to start using from 2011).

The strategy will guide the management of all developments in the borough. It will affect how, where and when the council will allow new housing, create new jobs, protect green spaces and our heritage, provide community facilities and ensure transport services are as they should be.

We have been working closely with experts from other organisations but, most importantly, we want our community to be at the centre of our decisions.

Consultation meetings start September. Come along and find out more details about the plans and have your say.

Help shape the future of Ealing.

If you live or work in the borough, we want
you to have your say and help shape how the
borough should develop over the next 15 years.

September 23, 2009