Council Considers Redundancies In Cutback Plans

Ealing to reorganise key departments to improve services

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Ealing Council


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Ealing Council has released details of proposals to reorganise some of its key departments to achieve better value for money and improve services for local people.

The proposals, which are due to be considered by Cabinet on Tuesday, 4 December, are designed to save the Council £10.8 million next year and include changes to staffing in departments across the organisation.

The proposals include making savings on Council contracts, increasing income and driving up efficiency, while protecting frontline services.

If agreed, the changes would also make approximately 67 of the Council's 3,500 posts redundant – that’s less than 2% of the Council’s jobs. Some of those posts are already vacant and some staff will be redeployed to suitable jobs internally, meaning the total number of staff being made redundant is likely to be significantly lower.

Council Leader, Councillor Jason Stacey, said, "The reports coming to Cabinet on the 4th December are designed to build on the progress already made and by implementing this re-organisation now, it will enable us as part of the budget process in the Spring to re-invest the savings made into further improving frontline service.”

Last year's Council Tax rise of just 1.9% was the lowest in Ealing for 13 years and one of the lowest increases in London.

Staff in departments that could be affected have already been informed of the proposals and the Council’s Human Resource Department has briefed representatives from the public service trade unions, Unison and GMB.

Full details of the proposals can be found in the Cabinet papers available on the Council’s website at



November 28, 2007