Dickens Yard Gets the Green Light

And campaign groups see red

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The Dickens Yard Planning Committee meeting, which is open to the public, starts at 7pm on Wednesday, November 5.

For more information on Save Ealing’s Centre visit:


or contact SEC at mail@saveealingscentre.com 

The deadline for responses is 8 August and Glenkerrin would like to encourage as many people as possible to give their views. You can view the exhibition display through the link below and can download a feedback form.

Ealing Broadway Bid




Campaigners are slamming the 'lack of discussion' before giving St George's planning application for Dickens Yard the go ahead.

More than 100 people turned out at the town hall on Bonfire Night watch councillors sitting on the Planning Committee pass the plans for 700 new homes and 20 shops and cafes on the land.

Save Ealing Centre (SEC) say there are 'very disappointed' by the Planning Cttee’s decision.

"SEC do not believe this development, if it is actually built, will deliver the economic regeneration that St George and their supporters suggest," said a spokesperson. "SEC fear this is the precedent other developers have been waiting for to make Ealing Town Centre a high density, high rise, dormitory with some convenience shops."

The campaign group questions whether St George be able to sell the 700 flats; how more retail space develop a “retail niche” to allow it to survive in the shadow of Westfield; whether S106 funds adequately cover all the social infrastructure required to support the additional residents, policing, schooling and other burdens; whether traffic calming in Gordon Rd will prevent the additional shopper and commuters cars causing gridlock; and whether Christchurch School will still be a place parents are willing to send their children?

Ealing Civic Society questioned the Council's position in the decision making process. "There was a case for a call in of the planning application by the Secretary of State given that the Council owned the land on which it was proposing to grant permission and stood to gain from the increase in value that any permission conferred," said a spokesperson. "Also, the decision flew in the face of the strong recommendations of the government urban design and heritage bodies (CABE and English Heritage respectively) to refuse the applications.

 "If this and similar decisions were approved by the Mayor/Secretary of State it would lead to a permanent change in Ealing’s heritage which has been recognised in the three conservation areas in the heart of the town. This would result in a gradual erosion in its character so it became a clone town that could be found anywhere in the country."

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November 7, 2008