A Happy Christmas On The Menu

For Ealing's school caterers who get a timely bonus

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More than two hundred catering staff at schools in Ealing have been given a welcome Christmas bonus.

They have been awarded an additional month's salary as part of a profit sharing scheme.

The 249 eligible employees (the vast majority work 15 hours or less per week) from Harrison Catering Services got the bonus in their November pay packet.

The Oxfordshire based company say it was due to a 14% increase in meal numbers achieved last year, combined with strong cost control. The payout -a record amount of £95,500 - is being shared between the staff.

In the company blog Harrison say:

'' Our contract with the Ealing Schools Catering Consortium is unusual: should we generate a surplus through exceeding targets and controlling costs, we operate a profit share scheme which splits the surplus three ways between ourselves, the Consortium and the Harrison staff in the contract.

''This profit share agreement was written into the contract by the Ealing Schools Catering Consortium as a method of motivating staff to deliver exceptional service above and beyond expectations and this year they have done just that.''


08 December 2010