Council joins TfL in becoming joint promoter of tram scheme

Decision made in atmosphere of stormy protest

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Save Ealing's Streets, 020 8997 5414

Contact details of key figures:
Tim Jones, Project Director,

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Save Ealing's Streets say:

"Anti-tram campaigners staged a lively protest at Ealing Town Hall this week as councillors voted to support the controversial tram scheme. Hundreds of passing motorists joined in by beeping their horns in agreement with the demonstrators.

"The vote was predictable because of Labour's majority on Ealing Council - what it shows is that our Council wants to cosy up to Transport for London ,� says Penny Wark of the anti-tram group Save Ealing's Streets. �Signing up to the tram with TfL is of no benefit to local people, it will actually weaken Ealing Council's negotiating powers on the details of the scheme. It's significant that other councils along the route have not signed up.

"Like most residents we support public transport. We just want the right scheme for West London - one that will solve more problems than it creates.�

Councillors voted along party lines by 43 to 19 to apply for a Transport Works Order as a joint promoter with TfL. This means that, following a public inquiry next year, the scheme is more likely to go ahead. The Order will give the Council wide ranging powers to block and divert all traffic along the route between Uxbridge and Shepherd's Bush. 1,800 trees along the route are also threatened."

Councillor Ray Wall, Cabinet member for Transport and Planning says, "Doing nothing about the traffic problem in west London is not an option.  

"We all know first hand how bad traffic is along Uxbridge Road and it is getting worse.   As a joint promoter of the tram, we can influence the proposals being put forward by Transport for London and ensure Ealing residents get the best possible deal.  

"The council recognises people have concerns.   Consultation has identified people's concerns, and the scheme has changed.   Those changes have been made because Ealing Council has been able to make the case for them.   It would be wrong to stand back and let the decisions about the scheme be made in offices in Victoria.

The tram would replace the 207, 427 and 607 bus services and carry more passengers and be more reliable than the current bus service. It would also provide guaranteed level, step-free access to the trams from raised platforms.

The West London Tram also supports the council's aim of encouraging motorists to switch to public transport to reduce pollution and congestion, and will help revitalise local town centres by linking local communities and bringing the workforce closer to jobs."  


June 27, 2005