25 Ways to Avoid Winter Injuries

A Quick Guide to help keep the elderly safe

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Winter is a particularly hazardous time of the year. The plummeting temperatures, the treacherous weather conditions as well as a general lack of preparation for the season all combine to make injuries much more likely. This makes elderly people are especially vulnerable, as the unforgiving climate can exacerbate pre-existing medical conditions they may have as well as presenting them with unique dangers.

An informal guide has been produced to help the elderly stay safe and avoid accidents during winter and here are just three of their tips:

1) Not to walk on icy/snowy paths – instead look for routes which are dry or have been cleared

2) Wall mounted heaters are preferable to portable ones as they do not pose a tripping hazard

3) Replace old slippers and canes as these can become worn out and smooth, offering little protection to winter conditions

To download the guide click here

26th October 2010