Returns to full capacity except for two 'safe-seating' screenings a week

The interior of the cinema at Watermans. Picture: Watermans
The Watermans has announced that it is end its policy of blocking bookings on seats between groups for most film screenings. This will represent a return to full capacity for the cinema after over two years.
The practice was introduced during the pandemic to help people social distance at the cinema. A ‘safe seat’ was left free between people who had booked at different times.
The change will commence on 5 September but the venue recognises that some customers are still a little cautious and prefer safe distancing – to accommodate this it will be running two ‘safe-seating’ screenings each week on Tuesday afternoons and early Friday evenings. They will continue to hold these screenings as long as there is ‘reasonable demand’ for them.
Enhanced cleaning and ventilation introduced during the Covid-19 outbreak will continue.
It will also reinstate later evening screenings from 5 September. Watermans plans to reintroduce screening times of roughly 1.30pm / 4.15pm / 6.00pm / 8.00pm on most days but not every day. Exact times depend on film lengths for any given day. Finally, Parent & Baby screenings will also recommence on Wednesday, 14 September.
Watermans is also taking part in the Creative Mile - The Brentford Art Trail, this weekend. In this free event eight venues and over 70 artists will be displaying their work across landmark venues in the area.

Mike Blow's Colony will be displayed on Waterman's Front Terrace
The Friday (2 September) it will have Mike Blow’s Colony (an interactive installation of large spheres with sound) on its front terrace, plus DJs from 12pm-6pm, Saturday and Sunday, on the River Terrace. In the main Gallery there is an exhibition, True Colour/Real World?, of short films all with the theme of colour – which is this year’s Creative Mile theme. The organisers of the event are asking everyone to wear their brightest and most colourful clothes.
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September 1, 2022