First Two Days of Tube Strike Called Off

RMT says action planned for end of the month remains on

The dispute is over the scrapping of the night tube driver grade
The dispute is over the scrapping of the night tube driver grade

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The two days of strike action by tube drivers who are members of the RMT due to take pace this week have been called off.

“Last ditch” talks between Tube bosses and union representatives at Acas have led to the union suspending the 24 hour walk outs planned for Tuesday (3 August) and Thursday 5 August.

But the strikes have been called off at the last minute to allow for further talks over TfL’s decision to scrap the pay grade of Night Tube drivers., though other planned industrial action will still go ahead at the end of the month.

RMT general secretary Mick Cash said, “Following extensive and wide-ranging discussions through the ACAS machinery we have hammered out enough ground to allow those talks to continue. As a result, this week’s strike action is suspended although the rest of the planned action rema‎ins on.

“I want to thank our members and our reps whose unity and determination has allowed us to reach this stage today and we look forward to pursuing the important issues at the heart of this dispute in the next phase of talks.”

Following the announcement, Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said via Twitter that he was “pleased to hear Londoner’s won’t face unnecessary disruption”.

Mr Khan said, “This shows what can be achieved by engaging and talking to staff.”

Despite this week’s strikes being called off, planned walkouts later in the month are still set to go ahead on 24 August and 26 August.

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August 2, 2021

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