London Assembly Demand Clarification of Union's Post Strike Stance

After mayor brands behaviour of RMT executive "wholly and utterly unacceptable”

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Conservative Transport Spokesman on the London Assembly Roger Evans has written to, Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers' Union (RMT) leader Bob Crow demanding that he explains what was difference between his position before the strikes, that crippled the London Underground and his position afterwards.

Ken Livingstone, at the recent Mayor’s Question Time said that “Tim O Toole, with remarkable fortitude, spent eight hours explaining to members of the RMT executive the meaning of the words that had been written on the paper.” And that, “the behaviour of the RMT executive was wholly and utterly unacceptable.”

Roger Evans has written asking Bob Crow if he agrees with these comments and for him to explain the difference between the pre-strike position and the post-strike position.

Commenting Roger Evans AM said, " The strikes by the RMT made every commuter in London’s life a misery.

“They seem to have been a pointless exercise by a union more interested in causing trouble than representing the issues of its members and caring for London commuters.

“The Mayor of London, at the recent Mayoral Question Time, launched a scathing attack on the union – accusing them of having “knowingly misled their members, created unnecessary concern about the staff’s genuine fears instead of allaying those as the other trade unions were able to do.”

“The people of London deserve to know why the RMT decided to pointlessly strike. I look forward to reading Bob Crow’s reply.”

September 26, 2007