Covid Conspiracy Theorists 'Place Razors in Posters'

Union calls for action to protect staff on transport network

The poster which the RMT alleges contained a razor blade
The poster which the RMT alleges contained a razor blade

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The RMT is claiming that Covid-19 conspiracy theory groups are placing razor blades in their posters on the London transport network to injure anybody trying to remove them.

The union which represents staff on trains, tubes and buses in London says the network is being targeted by a poster campaign by these groups.

It has published a picture of a poster against face masks which shows a blade placed behind it but has not confirmed where this was found. Transport for London (TfL) are currently requiring anyone without an exemption to wear a facemask on its service and theoretically you could be refused entry to a station or denied travel if you refuse to do so.

The RMT has called for the ‘strongest possible action’ against anyone found to have attempted to injure staff.

The issue has been formally raised with TfL who have issued a warning to staff highlighting the potential danger of injury if they are removing posters.

TfL says it has not received any reports of razor blade laced posters on its network.

RMT general secretary Mick Lynch said, “Any anti-vax conspiracy theorist resorting to this disgusting practice of lacing their propaganda with razor blades needs to know that they will face criminal prosecution and the highest possible sentences.

“As far as RMT is concerned they should be locked up for a long time. We would expect the police and the courts to take the hardest possible line.”

A TfL spokesperson said, “We act urgently to remove unauthorised materials from our network, such as posters, including those relating to the pandemic. The safety of our customers and colleagues is paramount and we have issued guidance to our staff on how to remove them safely after reports of instances outside of our network of razor blades being attached to the back of such materials. None have been detected on our network and there have been very few instances of unauthorised adverts and materials relating to the pandemic.”

Passengers who spot any flyposting or unauthorised materials can let TfL know by contacting customer services or alerting a member of staff.

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September 9, 2021

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