Motorists could have to pay £160 as TfL given new powers

Penalty Charge Notice for £160 to be levied for driving in cycle lanes
Transport for London (TfL) has been given new powers by the government to fine drivers who infringe on cycle lanes on red routes.
From this Monday (27 June), fines will be issued to any motorist driving within or crossing the white lines of the cycle lanes that are marked by a solid white line and cycle tracks.
These restrictions were mandatory but, up until now, were enforced by the police who rarely took action on any breaches of the law. Now TfL will issue fines of £160 to anyone caught although these will be reduced to £80 for prompt payment.
At this stage enforcement will only be on TfL’s Road Network (TLRN) but the changes introduced by the government also give London boroughs the option to introduce the charges.
The fines will operate in the same way as enforcement currently does for bus lanes and yellow box junctions.. Initially, TfL will use existing CCTV cameras to enforce contraventions in cycle lanes and cycle tracks at key locations across its road network.
Siwan Hayward, TfL's Director of Compliance, Policing, Operations and Security, said, “Protecting designated space for cyclists is essential in keeping them safe and improving confidence to cycle. We will start enforcing in key locations in London to deter drivers contravening the road rules. We want to ensure a green and sustainable future for London, and to do this we must continue to make walking and cycling round our city safe and accessible to all Londoners.”
It is understood that the new powers will also allow TfL to develop a new revenue stream helping them meet the conditions of the new funding package recently agreed with the government which requires it to increase income to make itself more financially self-sufficient.
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June 26, 2022