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August 15, 2023

Industrial action on London’s public transport network looks set to continue with both of the main unions indicating their intention to continue ongoing disputes.

The RMT has announced that 20,000 of its members working for 14 train operating companies will be on strike for two further days in the national dispute over working conditions, pay and job security.

The strike says are Saturday 26 August and Saturday 2 September. Disruption is likely to continue into the following morning.

The train companies to be affected will include South Western Railway and Great Western Railway and the Gatwick Express will also be hit. Revised timetables have yet to be announced.

RMT general secretary Mick Lynch said, "The mood among our members remains solid and determined in our national dispute over pay, job security and working conditions.

“We have had to call further strike action as we have received no improved or revised offer from the Rail Delivery Group.

“The reason for this is the government has not allowed them a fresh mandate on which discussions could be held.

“Our members and our union will continue fighting until we can reach a negotiated and just settlement."

A Rail Delivery Group spokesperson said, “With further strike action the RMT are once again targeting customers looking to enjoy various sporting events, festivals, and the end of the summer holidays, disrupting their plans and forcing more cars onto the road.

“We have now made three offers, the latest of which would have given staff pay rises of up to 13% as well as job security guarantees and the RMT executive have blocked this without a convincing explanation.

“We remain open to talks and we have said repeatedly that we want to give our people a pay rise, but until the union leadership and executive is united in what it wants and engages in good faith with the 30% shortfall in revenue the industry is continuing to grapple with post covid, it is difficult to move forward. Unfortunately, the repercussion of this impasse affects our staff, customers, and the communities across the country that rely on the railway."

ASLEF has also published the results of ballots held on possible industrial action on London Underground over pay and pensions which showed that, on a turnout of 75%, 98% of train operators would support a strike.

There was also overwhelming support for strike action on a number of lines including the Central Line and Hammersmith & City Line in a separate dispute about detrainment procedures. The union says that a requirement for drivers to take their trains straight into the depot without and check for passengers remaining onboard is unsafe.


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