Southfield Safer Neighbourhoods Crime Briefing

local residents given advice on personal safety

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Officers from Southfield Safer Neighbourhoods Team supported by Ealing Council organised a crime prevention street briefing for local residents.

The event was advertised on Chiswick W4 and Acton W3 websites as well as in local shops and community forums. Officers also hand delivered information leaflets to over 200 local homes.

During the event on Wednesday 28th April local residents and members of AGRA (Acton Green Residents Association) had the opportunity to get information on how to deal with bogus callers and increase personal safety when out and about.

Officers also provided information on protection against motor vehicle crime as well as distributed safety information packs and personal safety gadgets like personal attack alarms or purse bells.

Maurice Rohan from Ealing Council provided the crime prevention and personal safety products and joined the officers giving further crime prevention advice to the locals.

PCSO Rebecca Hancock who organised the event said:

“This is a great way of engaging with the community. I am really pleased so many residents made an effort to come and see us. We will definitely organise a similar event in the near future”.

Residents were also informed about up-and-coming events due to be attended by the team:
• Bedford Park Festival - 12 and 13 June (Bedford Park)
• Have a Say Day - 17 July (Southfield Recreation Ground)


May 5,2010