No More Cigs For Sweet Sixteens

As the legal age for smoking goes up to eighteen from October 1st

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Trading Standards

Young smokers won’t be able to buy cigarettes from next month when the legal age for smoking goes up to 18. From 1 October, it will be against the law for businesses to sell cigarettes to children aged 16 and 17.

At the same time, the age limit for buying knives will also go up from 16 to 18.

To help traders uphold the new legislation, council trading standards officers will be advising local businesses about the changes to the law.

The new rules will mean businesses will have to update notices informing customers of the age limit for the sale of cigarettes.

Traders who fall foul of the new law will be subject to test purchasing and members of the public are being asked to report anyone selling cigarettes or knives to under-18s to trading standards.

The maximum fine for selling cigarettes to children under 18 is £2,500 and the sale of knives to under-18s carries a maximum fine of £5,000 and a jail sentence of up to 6 months.

The new legislation has been introduced nationally because of concerns about young people’s health and anti-social behaviour.


September 21, 2007