Samaritans At The Ready

As students learn exam results

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Callers should contact Ealing, Hammersmith and Hounslow Samaritans by phone on 020 8560 2345, or ring the national number on 08457 90 90 90.

We can also be contacted by email at

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Samaritans volunteers at the Ealing, Hammersmith and Hounslow branch of the renowned charity are available to listen in complete confidence to students and their parents, carers and friends during the tense wait for exam results. Over the next few weeks, as always, they will be contactable via phone and email 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Exams and the stress of studying are two of the most common reasons for contacting Samaritans. During the A Level and GCSE results periods last year calls to the charity increased by 11 per cent.

The build up to exam results is a time filled with tension as young people contemplate their futures. Panic, anxiety, fear, guilt and despair are just some of the emotions that might be running through the minds of students. Sometimes those feelings can seem overwhelming, especially if talking freely about them doesn’t appear to be an option. If the results turn out to be disappointing, it can be even more difficult to cope emotionally.

Pixie Geldof, Samaritans supporter, said “Samaritans is important if you don’t have anybody to talk to. If you are in trouble or upset, stressed or feeling low, it’s always nice to have someone on the outside of everything who doesn’t know you and can’t judge you. I do relaxation exercises and I talk to my friends and get lots of hugs. I like to be around people when I am feeling stressed.”

Stephen Pettitt, Director of Ealing, Hammersmith and Hounslow Samaritans, said, “Inevitably many students are going to be anxious, and some students will be deeply disappointed by their exam results. In a society which sets so many narrowly defined goals for the young and which is obsessed with constant testing, it's really important that young people are given the strong message that their exam results are not the be all and end all of their lives and do not define their intrinsic worth, their ability to forge a successful career, or even their intelligence.

"Young people need above all to be reassured they are valued and respected for who they are, and that there are many different life and career options open to them. Samaritans is available at any time of the day or night to anyone of any age who wants to share in confidence their feelings about exam results, the future, relationships with parents, family, friends, boyfriends or girlfriends, health issues, or indeed any other issue that's causing distress. Nothing is out of bounds."

Callers should contact Ealing, Hammersmith and Hounslow Samaritans by phone on 020 8560 2345, or ring the national number on 08457 90 90 90. We can also be contacted by email at

August 11, 2008