Thames Water Works On Ealing Road

Diversions in place on South Ealing Road, Little Ealing Lane, Windmill Road and A4

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If you have any queries about this work you can call 0845 641 0011, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can find out more about Thames Water's mains replacement programme by visiting

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The Thames Water works will commence in Ealing Road on Monday 22 June for eight weeks.

Advance warning signs are already out in the area, and further signs will go out this week to advise of the works. Thames Water has already hand-delivered letters to all of the local residents.

Once works starts, Ealing Road will become one-way northbound, with all southbound traffic being diverted via: South Ealing Road, Little Ealing Lane, Windmill Road and A4.

Additional temporary waiting restrictions will be placed on the south-west side of Windmill Road from the borough boundary with LB Ealing as far north as The Ride. Restricting parking to one side of the road will allow the diverted traffic to flow more freely.

During the works, London Buses will temporarily be diverting bus route 65 southbound via: Little Ealing Road, Windmill Road, Swyncombe Avenue and Boston Manor Road. In order to cater for this diversion, additional waiting restrictions will be placed on Swyncombe Avenue and the operating hours of the bus lane on Boston Manor Road will be changed to 7am-7pm Mon-Sun.

Thames Water has been told that if the works are not complete by the time of the London Mela on the 16 August then the site is to be made safe and Ealing Road is to be opened up to two-way traffic for the weekend of the event.

June 16, 2009