Tory MP's Jack Russell Puppy Caused Deer Stampede

Danny Kruger fined following incident in Richmond Park

Danny Kruger's Jack Russell chases deer in Richmond Park
Danny Kruger's Jack Russell chases deer in Richmond Park. Picture: YouTube

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A Conservative MP has been fined at Westminster Magistrates’ Court after his 11-month-old Jack Russell called Pebble caused a herd of deer to stampede in Richmond Park.

46-year-old Danny Kruger, who represents Devizes in Wiltshire and lives in Hammersmith admitted causing or permitting an animal to chase or worry another animal.

Mr Kruger, with his wife and three children had taken Pebble for a walk in Richmond Park on 20 March when the puppy spotted a group of around 200 deer. Despite being a fraction of the size of the other animals, he ran straight at them causing them to scatter before doubling back and repeating the charge.

Many of the deer in the herd were pregnant and were panicked by the incident.

Mr Kruger had been Boris Johnson’s political secretary before being elected to parliament. The court was told that he had been distracted by his younger son when the dog ran off towards the deer which Mr Kruger says had not seen previously.

A police officer and a volunteer ranger were nearby and the incident was filmed by a member of the public and on the officer’s body-worn camera.


After Mr Kruger called for the dog to return several times, he finally came back and was put on a lead.

The MP was made to pay fines and costs totalling £719.

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June 8, 2021

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