Richard Tracey To Step Down In 2016

London AM for Merton and Wandsworth announced he will not seek re-election next May

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Richard Tracey, London Assembly Member for Merton and Wandsworth, has announced to his constituency that he will not seek re-election in next May's London elections. He has served the whole term of Boris Johnson's Mayoralty and is deputy leader of the City Hall Conservative Group,the lead Conservative spokesman on Transport for the whole time, the Mayor's Ambassador for River Transport driving forward the expansion of river bus and freight traffic on the Thames including the massively increased service from Putney, and Chairman of the London Waste and Recycling Board.

Richard was from 1983 -1997 the MP for Surbiton and an Environment Minister in Margaret Thatcher's Government. He also served on the Public Accounts Committee. He was previously a professional broadcaster and presenter for the BBC after university and spent his early activist years as chairman of Wandsworth Conservatives.

He says:
" I have very much enjoyed my time at the Assembly and also working closely with the borough councillors in Wandsworth and Merton. It is now time to hand over the baton to someone else to take things forward with expected further devolution to London "

July 20, 2015