Members Sought for Old Oak Development Community Review Group

Holds meeting to discuss policy and proposals

A meeting of the OPDC Community Review Group
A meeting of the OPDC Community Review Group


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Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC) is currently seeking local people to join its Community Review Group.

The group is part of the corporation’s community engagement exercise and meets regularly to discuss policy and proposals for the major development it is overseeing in the area.

Seven new members of the group are being sought. OPDC will consider those who reside or work in the Old Oak and Park Royal area. It wants to ensure that membership of the group reflects the make up of the area in terms of age and background. Candidates must either live within one mile of the OPDC area, or work or study within the OPDC area and be over 16. Experience of planning matters is not required.

The OPDC says that the group, which has a membership of 12, gives local people an opportunity to have their say about the planning and urban design process. The group is chaired by Tony Burton, an independent community engagement consultant.

Members contribute as individuals and not as representatives of an organisation. They review development proposals for the area, providing advice based on their knowledge of how their neighbourhoods work for people that live, work and visit. Membership is reviewed annually. New members are selected from the wider area through an open recruitment call.

The group meets around every six weeks, as and when needed. The programme also includes development and training sessions, and staff from OPDC can be invited to talk.

The discussions are turned into a formal report which is then passed onto the OPDC and the OPDC Planning Committee. Any recommendations made must be responded to by the OPDC.

The group is managed on our behalf by Frame Projects, an established company that manages design review groups in London. They are responsible for recruiting Community Review Group members, arranging meetings and producing reports.

A Local Plan for the area around the new HS2 and Elizabeth Line station at Old Oak Common has recently been adopted by the OPDC and it also has responsibility for North Acton town centre and Atlas Wharf.

If you would like to find out more, OPDC will be holding a drop-in session at North Acton Square this Saturday, 13 August from 10am-1pm.

You can request an application form by emailing Applications close on 9 September 2022.

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August 10, 2022

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