"Mayor’s Transport Strategy a disaster"

Says Friends of the Earth

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West London Friends of the Earth has responded to the consultation on London Mayor Boris Johnson’s draft new Transport Strategy and the new draft London Plan. Nic Ferriday, spokesperson for West London Friends of the Earth, said “There are some positives, with investment in the rail network predicated to reduce slightly overcrowding on the trains and measures to increase the amount of cycling. But the Transport Strategy as a whole is a disaster.  

"The Strategy, by its own admission, will lead to an increase in road traffic, a 14% increase in congestion and will prevent London meeting the climate change target the Mayor himself has set. It sabotages efforts to bring London’s air pollution within the UK and EU limits set to protect health.

"The basic problem is that Boris Johnson wants it both ways. He wants to increase the proportion of   sustainable transport and to improve London’s environment.  But then he panders to the car lobby which undermines these good intentions.”

"The Transport Strategy should be re-written so that it meets traffic reduction, congestion, air pollution and climate change objectives.”

West London Friends of the Earth considers the following changes are needed in the Strategy:

  • Proceed to Stage 3 of the Low Emissions Zone as soon as possible
  • Keep the western extension of the Congestion Charge Zone
  • Implement the planned £25 congestion charge on ‘gas-guzzling’ cars
  • Constrain further rather than relax car parking standards
  • Maintain or strengthen the criteria that are needed to justify road building
  • Introduce a levy for business and commercial car parking
  • Reinstate the target to reduce levels of car traffic
  • Give active consideration to road user charging, this being the only measure identified as likely to make a large contribution to preventing congestion
  • Use monies saved from these to improve the bus network, cycle and walking network         

Brentford Community Council's response to the London Plan can be read here. The Transport Strategy and London Plan may be found at http://www.london.gov.uk/shaping-london/  The full response from Friends of the Earth can be viewed (.doc)


December 30th, 2009