Small Business 'Key' to Apprentice Target

Mary Macleod visits Chiswick plumbing company

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Mary Macleod MP says small businesses are key to reaching the 3 million apprentice target set by the government. The MP visited local businesses to see how taking on young people can help them benefit. She was accompanied by Treasury Minister, Andrea Leadsom MP.

Angela Lyons-Redman, founder of My Plumber Ltd which has Chiswick links, and winner of the 2013 Hounslow Business of the Year award, has taken on more than 8 apprentices since she started her business and plans to recruit another one this year.

Mary and Andrea met My Plumber’s current apprentice, local resident Ollie Robinson, who explained how much he has gained from the practical work as well as being able to extend his academic study at college.

Mary said: “Businesses like My Plumber can offer fantastic experience to apprentices and they in turn can also really make the difference to a small business. This Government offers excellent incentives to take on apprentices, including grants of £1,500 for small businesses. I want to encourage more small businesses to take on their first apprentice to help us reach the target of 3 million apprentices.”

The Prime Minister marked the 100 day point until the General Election, by unveiling a new pledge to pay for three million apprentices by lowering the benefit cap. A Conservative Government, he says, will make this happen in its first week by reducing the benefits cap by £3,000 - to £23,000.

Andrea said: “I was delighted to visit My Plumber with Mary Macleod MP. It was great to hear how Angela was brave enough to leave an established career and set up her own business, starting small and building up to a thriving business employing more than 35 people. Success stories like this are what is driving the growth in the UK economy. Now she is able to give apprentices like Ollie Robinson their chance to learn his trade. I hope more and more small businesses will follow suit and take on an apprentice.”

February 2, 2015