King steps in as Tony Belton retires
their annual general meeting on Thursday 31st March Labour councillors
elected Stuart King as their new Leader following the decision of Tony
Belton to stand down. Councillor Belton was Labour’s longest serving
leader in London, serving from 1978-1986 and 1990-2005.
aged 34, who has been Labour’s Deputy Council Leader since 2001
takes on his new role at the council’s annual meeting on 18 May.
Speaking after his election Stuart said:
“Tony Belton has been – and will continue to be – a
fantastic representative who has devoted over thirty years to serving
the borough. I have learnt a great deal in my time as his deputy and I
am delighted that he has agreed to serve as the group’s deputy leader.
Our campaign for the 2006 local elections will benefit greatly from his
“Labour is more serious than ever about presenting a better way
for Wandsworth. Our task is formidable: there are fifty Tories to just
ten Labour councillors at present – but the make up of the council
is grossly unrepresentative, and does not reflect the real lack of enthusiasm
that exists for this tired, complacent, and aimless administration. Just
1 in 8 Wandsworth residents voted Tory in the 2002 council election. It
is time for a change, and over the next twelve months I will be taking
Labour’s message to every part of the borough. I will lead Labour
into next year’s council elections offering Wandsworth residents
a real alternative."
Welcoming Stuart into his new role, Tony said:
“I am delighted to hand over to Stuart, indeed I nominated him for
the role. Stuart has been outstanding as Deputy Leader. I wish him all
the best and he can be assured of my fullest support. As for me, I think
it is time for a change both for me and the Wandsworth Labour Party”
April 7, 2005