Maps Track “Devastating” Third Runway Noise |
Government slammed for disregarding environment
New flight maps have been published in an attempt to alert the areas likely to be affected by noise from the third runway. The maps (see below) produced by the 2M Group of local authorities shows how new flight paths could bring disturbance to communities on all sides of the airport. Aircrafts approaching the third runway are likely to use a number of paths over north London before beginning their final descent over Kensington, Chelsea, Hammersmith, Chiswick and Brentford. The 2M Group represents more than two million people concerned about the environmental impact of Heathrow expansion. Speaking on their behalf, Hammersmith and Fulham Council leader Stephen Greenhalgh said, "The maps show just how few parts of the capital will be able to escape the effects of a new runway. In west London where all the flight paths come together the consequences could be devastating. The Government has not thought through the environmental consequences of allowing unrestrained growth at Heathrow." The Government is expected to give the go ahead in April for the third runway. Ministers could claim that nitrogen dioxide levels at Heathrow can be reduced to EU-acceptable levels by siting new airport car parking to the north of the M4, just inside the M25. The 2m Group say that even areas not directly affected by the third runway will suffer. They are expecting ministers to include proposals for ending the current practise of runway alternation, which gives relief to communities during the day when aircraft switch runways at 3pm. By allowing aircraft to land and take off in parallel from the two existing runways the Government hopes to give the airport an immediate boost in capacity before the third runway opens in 2015. Wandsworth Council leader Edward Lister explained, "The loss of runway alternation would be felt particularly keenly in south and west London. At least under the current system you know you will get a break from the noise. If the Government gets its way there will be no respite during the day." Heathrow's capacity is capped at 480,000 movements a year. The limit was imposed as part of the Terminal Five planning permission. Ending runway alternation could take this figure up to 515,000, rising to 650,000 if a third runway were approved. If both runway alternation were ended and a third runway built the number of flights each year at Heathrow would rise to more than 700,000.
January 30, 2007