'No New Runways' Event This Saturday

Put climate change back into the aviation debate

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Local communities and individuals affected by airports and flight paths are invited to join together on September 12, at an event linking aviation expansion and climate change.

The Green Party has joined forces with campaign groups at Heathrow, Gatwick and others in the South East and London to say “no new runways”.

This autumn MPs are being asked to choose between expanding Heathrow (favoured by the Airports Commission) or Gatwick airports.

Jonathan Essex, Chair of South East Green Party, says: “That’s the wrong question. Either option – or expanding elsewhere - will prevent us from honouring binding national commitments to reduce air pollution and CO2 emissions, and will risk blighting millions of lives for generations to come”.

Christine Taylor of Stop Heathrow Expansion: “The devastation caused by a third runway at Heathrow will go far beyond the airport boundary.  Climate change threatens everyone.”

Brendon Sewill of the Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign: “A decision to go ahead with a new runway at either Heathrow or Gatwick would be a serious set-back for climate change policy.  The cost would be paid by future generations.”

Speakers at the event at 2pm at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church include Keith Taylor MEP; Christine Taylor (Stop Heathrow Expansion); Brendon Sewill (Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign);  Leo Murray (A Free Ride); Greenpeace;  Asad Rehman (Friends of the Earth).

Anyone interested in attending can book online or via the facebook page.

Campaign partners include: Hacan; Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign; Stop Heathrow Expansion; Airport Watch; CAGNE; Friends of the Earth; Greenpeace

September 10, 2015